2025 Selectivo 2da Fuerza
Standings for Selectivo 2da Fuerza

FECHA 5 sorted by scratch
FECHA 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch
1 Jose Roberto Hernandez 202 233 202 144 216 193 1190
2 Eduardo Hernandez 169 176 177 233 172 209 1136
3 Jorge Antelo 168 178 213 204 156 213 1132
4 Danys Gavidia 192 202 188 155 192 193 1122
5 Badi Ighani 173 204 191 187 208 154 1117
6 Armando Orellana 207 163 198 168 156 192 1084
7 Roberto Miranda 149 158 176 178 268 150 1079
8 Enrique Nieto 180 189 190 187 157 156 1059
9 Angel Ortiz 164 175 166 156 143 202 1006
10 Santiago Maldonado 156 138 191 168 181 157 991
11 Julio Servellon 145 151 169 157 191 162 975
12 Mauricio Cornejo 164 144 190 131 171 159 959
13 Roberto Guandique 131 96 174 198 132 144 875
14 Andres Acosta 146 155 141 139 150 123 854

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