2021 Westy's Summer Eliminator #12
Standings for Westy's Summer Eliminator #12

Div B RD2 (unofficial)
Sorted by: game team_scratch_total,subtotal game 1
Div B RD2 1 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of Scratch
1t Darrell Murray 180 eliminated 180 180
1t Cody Verano 180 eliminated 180 180
3 Karl Urquhart (S) 179 eliminated 179 179
4 Jeff Newman 176 eliminated 176 176
5 Matt White 172 eliminated 172 172
6 Michael Myler 171 eliminated 171 171
7 Dylan Ferguson 163 eliminated 163 163
8 Samantha Fieldstad 162 eliminated 162 162
9 Kyle Bahr 161 eliminated 161 161
10 Steve Long 145 eliminated 145 145
11 Teaven Fredericks 139 eliminated 139 139
12 Diana Cavins 134 eliminated 134 134