2022 CHALLENGE No Tap Singles (Feb)
Standings for CHALLENGE No Tap Singles (Feb)

H-Eliminator (1-3) (unofficial)
Sorted by: subtotal game 1,subtotal game 3,game team_scratch_total,game 3,game team_hdcp_total
H-Eliminator (1-3) 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Jaimie Thompson 251 (212) 251 239 (200) 266 (227) 756 639 756 $50.00
2 Matt Duncan 224 (194) 224 210 (180) 261 (231) 695 605 695 $20.00
3 Stan Wolski 210 (179) 210 168 (137) 316 378 elim
4 Alanna Thompson 208 (182) 208 207 (181) 363 415 elim
5 Chris Legaspi 206 (146) 206 146 206 elim
6 Kevin Acebedo 202 (155) 202 155 202 elim
7 Edwin Buscemi 181 (156) 181 156 181 elim
8 Sean Legaspi 170 (119) 170 119 170 elim