2022 HDCP 5 Gamer - Feb
Standings for HDCP 5 Gamer - Feb

H-Eliminator (2-5) (unofficial)
Sorted by: game 3,subtotal game 2,game 1,game team_scratch_total,game 2
H-Eliminator (2-5) 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Jaimie Thompson 218 (174) 258 (214) 476 270 (226) 203 (159) 773 949 $85.00 elim
2 Andrew Kraft 203 (163) 231 (191) 434 263 (223) 252 (212) 210 (170) 959 1159 $45.00
3 Robert Eddy 217 (181) 238 (202) 455 257 (221) 226 (190) 794 938 elim
4 Tony Trinidad 236 (213) 237 (214) 473 256 (233) 229 (206) 265 (242) 1108 1223
5 Mike Quirk 230 (205) 261 (236) 491 250 (225) 666 741 elim
6 Randy Emmett 241 (201) 230 (190) 471 224 (184) 575 695 elim
7 Mike Malena 236 (219) 255 (238) 491 220 (203) 660 711 elim
8t Chris Sheriff 264 (240) 227 (203) 491 443 491 elim
8t Ray Stevens 270 (257) 197 (184) 467 441 467 elim
8t Matt Duncan 223 (191) 225 (193) 448 384 448 elim
8t Shonn Fletcher 218 (172) 213 (167) 431 339 431 elim
8t HOMER BELLA 176 (128) 225 (177) 401 305 401 elim
8t Stan Wolski 175 (139) 219 (183) 394 322 394 elim
8t David Forbes 184 (149) 207 (172) 391 321 391 elim