2023 Sharp Shooters - Jan.
Standings for Sharp Shooters - Jan.

Hdcp Eliminator (final)
Sorted by: game 2,subtotal game 2,game team_scratch_total,subtotal game 3,game 1
Hdcp Eliminator 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 John Pasch 182 (170) 218 (206) 400 183 (171) 583 547 583 $25.00 elim
2 Laura Gentry 216 (165) 208 (157) 424 225 (174) 649 218 (167) 663 867
3 Kairone Brown 243 (214) 180 (151) 423 365 423 elim
4t Barry Xayachack 179 (146) 146 179 elim
4t Noah Throne 171 (126) 126 171 elim
4t Mykel Majette 109 (90) 90 109 elim