2022 LG Monthly Doubles - November 2022
Standings for LG Monthly Doubles - November 2022

Handicap Elim (final)
Sorted by: game team_scratch_total,game 4,subtotal game 5
Handicap Elim 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap
1 Sean Riccardi 258 (258) 259 (259) 233 (233) 268 (268) 179 (179) 1197 1197 1197
2 Michael Ebberup 241 (212) 210 (181) 276 (247) 236 (207) 232 (203) 1195 1050 1195
3 Jerckara Page 212 (185) 240 (213) 237 (210) 234 (207) 250 (223) 1173 1038 1173
4 Patrick McCarthy 244 (244) 237 (237) 258 (258) 230 (230) 969 969 elim
5 Greg Blankenship 257 (257) 214 (214) 268 (268) 207 (207) 946 946 elim
6 Jay Robinson 268 (255) 236 (223) 277 (264) 203 (190) 932 984 elim
7 BJ Smith 203 (203) 238 (238) 226 (226) 164 (164) 831 831 elim
8 Nicholas Gaydos 205 (151) 232 (178) 240 (186) 236 (182) 182 (128) 1095 825 1095
9 Jodi Casale 223 (169) 218 (164) 230 (176) 211 (157) 666 882 elim
10 Ashley Goyette 248 (215) 284 (251) 214 (181) 647 746 elim
11 Jason Timlin 261 (249) 204 (192) 214 (202) 643 679 elim
12 Jessica Belcher 198 (186) 245 (233) 218 (206) 625 661 elim
13 Melissa Riccardi 203 (192) 215 (204) 223 (212) 608 641 elim
14 William West 233 (204) 242 (213) 196 (167) 584 671 elim
15 Bok-Dal Xanthaky 222 (174) 237 (189) 212 (164) 527 671 elim
16 Austin Patterson 251 (251) 203 (203) 454 454 elim
17 Denver Huett 243 (235) 177 (169) 404 420 elim
18 Gerald Timlin 221 (204) 190 (173) 377 411 elim
19 Jamee Harris 218 (181) 197 (160) 341 415 elim
20 Nathan Gaydos 199 (167) 203 (171) 338 402 elim
21 Tyler Zarcone 236 (182) 179 (125) 307 415 elim
22 Rich Lancaster 191 (186) 186 191 elim
23 David Stouffer 184 (184) 184 184 elim
24 Marcus McCray 180 (180) 180 180 elim
25 George Gardner 180 (174) 174 180 elim
26 Celeste Jones 172 (151) 151 172 elim
27 Orlando Lopez Jr 177 (140) 140 177 elim