2023 Friday Night Sweeper
Standings for Friday Night Sweeper

Eliminator Side Pot
Sorted by: game 2
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Steve Burton 234 (159) 249 (174) 218 (143) 476 701 $90.00 elim
2 Alex Evans 218 (218) 240 (240) 236 (236) 235 (235) 929 929 elim
3 Elliot Moore 284 (254) 213 (183) 241 (211) 295 (265) 913 1033
4 Rick Stefanik 221 (219) 207 (205) 424 428 elim
5 Steve SR Farris 253 (208) 200 (155) 363 453 elim
6t Steve JR Farris 217 (210) 210 217 elim
6t John Millard 215 (200) 200 215 elim