2023 KOH_5/12/2023
Standings for KOH_5/12/2023

Handicap Eliminator (unofficial)
Sorted by: subtotal game 1
Handicap Eliminator 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Chris Germain 236 (204) 236 204 (172) 376 440 $40.00 elim
2 Marc Avena 220 (213) 220 216 (209) 233 (226) 648 669 $10.00
3 Brett Strycharz 196 (189) 196 264 (257) 183 (176) 622 643
4 Willie Melendez 176 (124) 176 124 176 elim
5 Ross Tudisco 159 (143) 159 143 159 elim