2023 Oakes Farms HDCP Sweeper
Standings for Oakes Farms HDCP Sweeper

Hdcp Eliminator (2-4) (unofficial)
Sorted by: game team_scratch_total
Hdcp Eliminator (2-4) 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 RYAN CONSTANTINE 282 (268) 210 (196) 293 (279) 262 (248) 991 1047 $60.00
2 JOEY ALEXANDER 293 (279) 272 (258) 273 (259) 198 (184) 980 1036 $20.00
3 DUSTIN BROWNING 254 (254) 277 (277) 259 (259) 790 790 elim
4 ROBERT HYLTON 279 (279) 259 (259) 239 (239) 777 777 elim
5 NICOLE SOJA 279 (258) 202 (181) 439 481 elim
6 RYAN WILLIAMS 228 (213) 213 228 elim
7 CLARK HOLLMAN 236 (211) 211 236 elim
8 MIKE MALENA 224 (210) 210 224 elim
9 JULIO FUSTE 223 (200) 200 223 elim