2022 CHALLENGE No Tap Singles - AUGUST
Standings for CHALLENGE No Tap Singles - AUGUST

H-Eliminator (1-3)
Sorted by: hdcp total
H-Eliminator (1-3) 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Chris Legaspi 220 (173) 204 (157) 237 (190) 520 661 $30.00
2 Brandon Schendel 214 (205) 232 (223) 186 (177) 605 632 $10.00
3 Rodney Bubar 246 (207) 192 (153) 360 438 elim
4 Kevin Day 244 (218) 159 (133) 351 403 elim
5 Ray Stevens 207 (197) 197 207 elim