20223 SINGLES - 9 Pin No Tap Tournament - Oct
Standings for SINGLES - 9 Pin No Tap Tournament - Oct

H-Eliminator # 1 (1-3)
Sorted by: subtotal game 2
H-Eliminator # 1 (1-3) 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Ryan Constantine 270 (252) 318 (300) 588 257 (239) 791 845 $20.00
2 Robert McCrumb 304 (275) 220 (191) 524 466 524 $10.00 elim
3 Jerry Mikulanec 269 (242) 226 (199) 495 327 (300) 741 822
4 Rodney Bubar 235 (188) 188 235 elim