Standings for HDCP DOUBLES - DEC

Hdcp Eliminator #2
Sorted by: subtotal game 2
Hdcp Eliminator #2 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Bernard Thomas 259 (231) 275 (247) 534 271 (243) 203 (175) 896 1008 $75.00
2 Brandon Schendel 274 (257) 245 (228) 519 181 (164) 649 700 $35.00 elim
3 Tom Daugherty 249 (249) 258 (258) 507 237 (237) 744 744 $20.00 elim
4t Ray Stevens 268 (254) 230 (216) 498 270 (256) 270 (256) 982 1038 $5.00
4t Carlos Delgado 258 (236) 240 (218) 498 245 (223) 235 (213) 890 978 $5.00
6 Murilo Lima 244 (214) 254 (224) 498 210 (180) 618 708 elim
7 Grant Stebbins 273 (254) 211 (192) 484 446 484 elim
8 Robert Eddy 249 (215) 230 (196) 479 238 (204) 258 (224) 839 975
9 Robert Hylton 222 (222) 248 (248) 470 236 (236) 706 706 elim
10 Chris Legaspi 216 (159) 209 (152) 425 311 425 elim
11 Andy Schmitt 203 (158) 216 (171) 419 329 419 elim
12 Jerry Mikulanec 195 (188) 220 (213) 415 401 415 elim
13 Jeff Hogan 220 (193) 191 (164) 411 357 411 elim
14 Don Donagan 204 (189) 206 (191) 410 380 410 elim
15 George Reith 224 (190) 179 (145) 403 335 403 elim