2024 Monday night eliminator
Standings for Monday night eliminator

Monday night (unofficial)
Sorted by: subtotal game 2
Monday night 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap
1 Jason Smith 231 (204) 327 (300) 558 203 (176) 680 761
2 Clent Taylor 222 (204) 265 (247) 487 187 (169) 620 674
3 Jeremy Dillon 234 (190) 247 (203) 481 265 (221) 614 746
4 Matt Ward 232 (148) 228 (144) 460 292 460 elim
5 Kevin Van Gelder 200 (186) 246 (232) 446 418 446 elim
6 Kevin Watkins 208 (196) 236 (224) 444 420 444 elim
7 Terry Dillon 191 (135) 135 191 elim
8 Derek Dillon 178 (171) 171 178 elim
9 Jimmy Overbey 162 (153) 153 162 elim