2024 E&BC Classic Worlds 8/17/24
Standings for E&BC Classic Worlds 8/17/24

Eliminator Side Pot
Sorted by: game 4
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Lordan Ferguson 214 (167) 269 (222) 241 (194) 271 (224) 236 (189) 996 1231 $40.00
2 Michael Penne 204 (167) 206 (169) 250 (213) 240 (203) 216 (179) 931 1116
3 Jim Alme 227 (176) 207 (156) 238 (187) 223 (172) 691 895 elim
4 Charles Halse 243 (192) 266 (215) 221 (170) 221 (170) 747 951 elim
5t Tony Schroeder 253 (224) 231 (202) 217 (188) 614 701 elim
5t Corey Poyner 200 (179) 215 (194) 203 (182) 555 618 elim
7t Paul Mahar Sr 195 (159) 196 (160) 319 391 elim
7t Derek Hughes 228 (168) 194 (134) 302 422 elim
9t Rick Darnell 188 (167) 167 188 elim
9t Holly Carroll 185 (125) 125 185 elim