2024 E&BC Classic Worlds 8/17/24
Standings for E&BC Classic Worlds 8/17/24

Eliminator Side Pot
Sorted by: hdcp total
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Lordan Ferguson 214 (167) 269 (222) 241 (194) 271 (224) 236 (189) 996 1231 $40.00
2 Michael Penne 204 (167) 206 (169) 250 (213) 240 (203) 216 (179) 931 1116
3 Charles Halse 243 (192) 266 (215) 221 (170) 221 (170) 747 951 elim
4 Jim Alme 227 (176) 207 (156) 238 (187) 223 (172) 691 895 elim
5 Tony Schroeder 253 (224) 231 (202) 217 (188) 614 701 elim
6 Corey Poyner 200 (179) 215 (194) 203 (182) 555 618 elim
7 Derek Hughes 228 (168) 194 (134) 302 422 elim
8 Paul Mahar Sr 195 (159) 196 (160) 319 391 elim
9 Rick Darnell 188 (167) 167 188 elim
10 Holly Carroll 185 (125) 125 185 elim