2024 Westbrook Invitational 2024
Standings for Westbrook Invitational 2024

Eliminator Side Pot HDCP
Sorted by: game 1
Eliminator Side Pot HDCP 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Jordan Shackleford 280 (266) 238 (224) 228 (214) 704 746
2 Justin Filipe 268 (268) 182 (182) 195 (195) 645 645
3 Bobby Pelletier III 237 (237) 206 (206) 206 (206) 649 649
4t Joe Zotter 235 (222) 240 (227) 270 (257) 706 745
4t Mike Kettleberger 235 (227) 232 (224) 168 (160) 611 635
6 James Seibert 229 (210) 206 (187) 233 (214) 611 668
7 Anthony Glover 228 (210) 182 (164) 231 (213) 587 641
8 Bob Pelletier Jr 227 (222) 184 (179) 252 (247) 648 663
9 Ducky Russell 225 (223) 183 (181) 219 (217) 621 627
10 Andrew Knasiak 220 (220) 246 (246) 223 (223) 689 689
11 Josh DeSimone 218 (218) 238 (238) 230 (230) 686 686
12 Josh Baylinson 206 (198) 223 (215) 253 (245) 658 682
13t Mark Shackleford 196 (196) 212 (212) 213 (213) 621 621
13t Bobby Krautwald 196 (196) 234 (234) 176 (176) 606 606