2024 Sep Singles House
Standings for Sep Singles House

Sorted by: scratch total
ELIM HDCP 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Andy Kubyako 300 (300) 249 (249) 258 (258) 807 807 $80.00
2 Joshua Myles 242 (234) 245 (237) 208 (200) 671 695 $20.00
3 Robert Brownie 224 (224) 218 (218) 205 (205) 647 647 elim
4 Jayvon Banks 206 (181) 189 (164) 345 395 elim
5 Dexter Williams 198 (162) 201 (165) 327 399 elim
6 Kevin Wyatt 198 (149) 189 (140) 289 387 elim
7 Tyrone Watkins 196 (177) 177 196 elim
8 Christian Hairston 185 (146) 146 185 elim
9t Will Woodland 162 (126) 126 162 elim
9t Sam Moss 136 (126) 126 136 elim