2024 copy_North Bowl Handicap Eliminator
Standings for copy_North Bowl Handicap Eliminator

Handicap Eliminator Div 1
Sorted by: game 2
Handicap Eliminator Div 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap
1 Chris Morris 278 (247) 261 (230) 216 (185) 662 755
2 Matthew Markovich 229 (198) 245 (214) 215 (184) 596 689
3 Jayson Robarge 126 (126) 244 (244) 190 (190) 560 560
4 Oscar Shaw 246 (232) 239 (225) 196 (182) 639 681
5 Lauren Riske 210 (187) 234 (211) 212 (189) 587 656
6 Walter Harmon 217 (199) 218 (200) 204 (186) 585 639
7 George Maccabee 171 (154) 215 (198) 200 (183) 535 586
8 James Riske 201 (187) 213 (199) 201 (187) 573 615
9t Dan Fettes 267 (254) 211 (198) 201 (188) 640 679
9t Alex Manning 256 (244) 211 (199) 193 (181) 624 660