2024 6 gamer - Middle Road V2
Standings for 6 gamer - Middle Road V2

Eliminator Hdcp
Sorted by: game 3
Eliminator Hdcp 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Daniel Vasquez 219 (204) 260 (245) 194 (179) 628 673 $120.00 elim
2 Malcolm Bryant 260 (199) 258 (197) 274 (213) 241 (180) 264 (203) 992 1297 $80.00
3 Arturo Pedraza 228 (199) 247 (218) 222 (193) 176 (147) 757 873 $60.00 elim
4 Jevaris Broomfield 222 (140) 245 (163) 245 (163) 264 (182) 212 (130) 778 1188 $40.00
5 Charlie Forero 228 (228) 244 (244) 203 (203) 196 (196) 871 871 elim
6 Troy Leonard 234 (202) 237 (205) 221 (189) 254 (222) 213 (181) 999 1159
7 Ben Broomfield 247 (194) 230 (177) 202 (149) 520 679 elim
8 Adryan Pedraza 203 (159) 226 (182) 263 (219) 217 (173) 733 909 elim
9 Michelle Robison 212 (153) 217 (158) 201 (142) 453 630 elim
10 James C Ross 268 (203) 211 (146) 210 (145) 218 (153) 246 (181) 828 1153
11 Jeff Piroozshad 233 (233) 196 (196) 429 429 elim
12 Ray Langella 226 (192) 188 (154) 346 414 elim
13 Mary DeStasio 229 (188) 178 (137) 325 407 elim
14t Ismail Yusuf 198 (182) 182 198 elim
14t Donovan Quick 157 (133) 133 157 elim