2024 Winter Sweeper
Standings for Winter Sweeper

Eliminator Side Pot
Sorted by: game 5
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Nikita Koshelev 188 (204) 128 (144) 204 (220) 173 (189) 208 (224) 193 (209) 1190 1094 $91.00
2 Cole Copeland 199 (199) 212 (212) 188 (188) 206 (206) 203 (203) 233 (233) 1241 1241 $46.00
3 John Fernandez 204 (201) 168 (165) 176 (173) 165 (162) 200 (197) 216 (213) 1111 1129 $30.00
4 Mark Cebulski 142 (142) 222 (222) 147 (147) 186 (186) 188 (188) 138 (138) 1023 1023 $23.00 elim
5 Nicholas Luevano 161 (167) 240 (246) 177 (183) 246 (252) 182 (188) 196 (202) 1238 1202
6 Michael Strak 158 (162) 170 (174) 185 (189) 157 (161) 176 (180) 160 (164) 1030 1006 elim
7 Solomon Loyd 168 (154) 225 (211) 201 (187) 196 (182) 174 (160) 191 (177) 1071 1155 elim
8 Maksim Krupenin 152 (156) 150 (154) 164 (168) 204 (208) 149 (153) 839 819 elim
9 Bear Orozco 173 (155) 189 (171) 186 (168) 162 (144) 137 (119) 757 847 elim
10 Grant Rosenfeld 172 (181) 154 (163) 150 (159) 157 (166) 114 (123) 792 747 elim
11t Brain Coleman 184 (193) 154 (163) 184 (193) 145 (154) 703 667 elim
11t Trent Lloyd 192 (176) 146 (130) 185 (169) 142 (126) 601 665 elim
13 Deano Troost 174 (191) 147 (164) 146 (163) 518 467 elim
14t Jeff Rutherford 150 (149) 144 (143) 292 294 elim
14t Stephanie Schroder 169 (155) 140 (126) 281 309 elim
14t John Caldwell 186 (198) 127 (139) 337 313 elim
17t David Schmitzer 133 (136) 136 133 elim
17t Davis Orozco 122 (122) 122 122 elim
17t Michael Harris 120 (105) 105 120 elim