2024 6 gamer - Tungsten
Standings for 6 gamer - Tungsten

Eliminator Hdcp
Sorted by: game 3
Eliminator Hdcp 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 James C Ross 238 (173) 267 (202) 187 (122) 497 692 $130.00 elim
2 Dave Malnick 197 (131) 258 (192) 189 (123) 203 (137) 197 (131) 714 1044 $80.00
3 Malcolm Bryant 237 (176) 240 (179) 207 (146) 248 (187) 219 (158) 846 1151 $50.00
4 Chris Celesti 210 (172) 221 (183) 232 (194) 165 (127) 676 828 $20.00 elim
5 Ray Langella 236 (202) 210 (176) 194 (160) 191 (157) 695 831 elim
6 Andrew Celesti 250 (216) 206 (172) 234 (200) 216 (182) 203 (169) 939 1109
7 Charlie Forero 246 (246) 204 (204) 211 (211) 213 (213) 227 (227) 1101 1101
8 Jevaris Broomfield 244 (162) 200 (118) 185 (103) 383 629 elim
9 Ismail Yusuf 218 (202) 192 (176) 177 (161) 539 587 elim
10 Ben Broomfield 238 (185) 183 (130) 315 421 elim
11 Dave Bourlier 191 (162) 182 (153) 315 373 elim
12 Scott Dennis 180 (180) 143 (143) 323 323 elim
13t Jamal Kahok 175 (175) 175 175 elim
13t Kayla Gilman 166 (135) 135 166 elim