2024 Sharp Shooters - November
Standings for Sharp Shooters - November

Eliminator Side Pot
Sorted by: subtotal game 2
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Tommy Hall 225 (193) 238 (206) 463 221 (189) 588 684 $25.00
2 Thomas Keller 229 (212) 217 (200) 446 155 (138) 550 601 $10.00
3 Joshua Gangl 245 (160) 198 (113) 443 273 443 $5.00 elim
4 Megan Joseph 222 (152) 217 (147) 439 213 (143) 442 652
5t Loretta Shatto 222 (135) 193 (106) 415 241 415 elim
5t Shyanne Ciesolka 223 (196) 192 (165) 415 361 415 elim
7 James Joseph 199 (158) 158 199 elim
8 Israel Lozada 192 (143) 143 192 elim
9 Harrison Riggins 176 (150) 150 176 elim
10 Larry Macie 147 (116) 116 147 elim