2024 Sharp Shooters - November
Standings for Sharp Shooters - November

Eliminator Side Pot
Sorted by: subtotal game 3
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Tommy Hall 225 (193) 238 (206) 221 (189) 684 588 684 $25.00
2 Megan Joseph 222 (152) 217 (147) 213 (143) 652 442 652 $10.00
3 Thomas Keller 229 (212) 217 (200) 155 (138) 601 550 601 $5.00
4 Joshua Gangl 245 (160) 198 (113) 273 443 elim
5t Loretta Shatto 222 (135) 193 (106) 241 415 elim
5t Shyanne Ciesolka 223 (196) 192 (165) 361 415 elim
7 James Joseph 199 (158) 158 199 elim
8 Israel Lozada 192 (143) 143 192 elim
9 Harrison Riggins 176 (150) 150 176 elim
10 Larry Macie 147 (116) 116 147 elim