2024 December BATB - Sport Shot
Standings for December BATB - Sport Shot

Eliminator Side Pot
Sorted by: hdcp total
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Joshua Martin 218 (215) 216 (213) 202 (199) 223 (220) 229 (226) 1073 1088 $150.00
2 Andy Patterson 205 (205) 228 (228) 203 (203) 172 (172) 212 (212) 1020 1020 $100.00
3 Bobby Ault 170 (170) 180 (180) 190 (190) 227 (227) 247 (247) 1014 1014 $50.00
4 John Kennedy 176 (170) 176 (170) 179 (173) 227 (221) 206 (200) 934 964
5 Corey Umbrello 183 (183) 201 (201) 168 (168) 191 (191) 158 (158) 901 901
6 Tabitha Smitherman 190 (174) 162 (146) 203 (187) 169 (153) 163 (147) 807 887
7 Anthony White 184 (174) 189 (179) 253 (243) 160 (150) 746 786 elim
8 Michael Hoosier 156 (148) 186 (178) 212 (204) 150 (142) 672 704 elim
9 Matthew Reed 162 (162) 205 (205) 181 (181) 148 (148) 696 696 elim
10 Steven Thorne 203 (182) 211 (190) 167 (146) 518 581 elim
11 Terry Jackson 202 (202) 164 (164) 162 (162) 528 528 elim
12 Rebeka Heath 140 (126) 163 (149) 137 (123) 398 440 elim
13 Jason Gregory 178 (163) 158 (143) 306 336 elim
14 Kennon Ford 176 (173) 130 (127) 300 306 elim