2024 CNS Open_November
Standings for CNS Open_November

Eliminator Side Pot
Sorted by: subtotal game 2
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Peyton Wagner 249 (249) 227 (227) 476 227 (227) 703 703 $45.00
2 Deano Troost 258 (258) 204 (204) 462 462 462 $35.00 elim
3 Tommy Meinhart 236 (236) 222 (222) 458 184 (184) 642 642
4 Ronnie Phillips 247 (245) 197 (195) 444 440 444 elim
5 Parker Capra 241 (241) 198 (198) 439 439 439 elim
6 Gerald Sanders 225 (225) 173 (173) 398 398 398 elim
7 Brent Oestreich 224 (224) 224 224 elim
8 Clint Holliday 204 (204) 204 204 elim
9 Kenneth Davis 181 (181) 181 181 elim
10 Chip Holliday 168 (168) 168 168 elim