2024 CNS Open_November
Standings for CNS Open_November

Eliminator Side Pot
Sorted by: game 3
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Peyton Wagner 249 (249) 227 (227) 227 (227) 703 703 $45.00
2 Tommy Meinhart 236 (236) 222 (222) 184 (184) 642 642 $35.00
3t Deano Troost 258 (258) 204 (204) 462 462 elim
3t Parker Capra 241 (241) 198 (198) 439 439 elim
3t Ronnie Phillips 247 (245) 197 (195) 440 444 elim
3t Gerald Sanders 225 (225) 173 (173) 398 398 elim
7t Brent Oestreich 224 (224) 224 224 elim
7t Clint Holliday 204 (204) 204 204 elim
7t Kenneth Davis 181 (181) 181 181 elim
7t Chip Holliday 168 (168) 168 168 elim