2024 2024-2025 Roving No-Tap Tournament
Standings for 2024-2025 Roving No-Tap Tournament

Handicap Eliminator
Sorted by: subtotal game 2
Handicap Eliminator 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Kevin Jones 300 (300) 278 (278) 578 288 (288) 866 866 $45.00
2 Mike Carr 288 (265) 255 (232) 543 222 (199) 696 765 $35.00
3 Troy Parrill 234 (208) 280 (254) 514 323 (297) 759 837 $10.00
4 Aristotle Peter 235 (226) 277 (268) 512 248 (239) 733 760
5 Bill Schroeck 257 (246) 239 (228) 496 263 (252) 726 759
6 Herone Shaw 255 (230) 224 (199) 479 429 479 elim
7 Sydni Howard 231 (186) 186 231 elim
8 Stephen Meeks 220 (194) 194 220 elim
9 Pat McKinley 214 (202) 202 214 elim
10 Jared Skinner 205 (178) 178 205 elim
11 Stephanie Peter 185 (165) 165 185 elim