2024 2024-2025 Roving No-Tap Tournament
Standings for 2024-2025 Roving No-Tap Tournament

Handicap Eliminator
Sorted by: game 2
Handicap Eliminator 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Troy Parrill 234 (208) 280 (254) 323 (297) 759 837 $45.00
2 Kevin Jones 300 (300) 278 (278) 288 (288) 866 866 $35.00
3 Aristotle Peter 235 (226) 277 (268) 248 (239) 733 760 $10.00
4 Mike Carr 288 (265) 255 (232) 222 (199) 696 765
5 Bill Schroeck 257 (246) 239 (228) 263 (252) 726 759
6 Herone Shaw 255 (230) 224 (199) 429 479 elim
7t Sydni Howard 231 (186) 186 231 elim
7t Stephen Meeks 220 (194) 194 220 elim
7t Pat McKinley 214 (202) 202 214 elim
7t Jared Skinner 205 (178) 178 205 elim
7t Stephanie Peter 185 (165) 165 185 elim