Standings for NO TAP DOUBLES

Scratch Elim #2 (2/3/4)
Sorted by: subtotal game 2
Scratch Elim #2 (2/3/4) 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Prize
1 RJ Maniscalco, Jr 300 eliminated 286 eliminated 586 211 eliminated 797 $50.00 elim
2 Ray Stevens 300 eliminated 280 eliminated 580 266 eliminated 251 eliminated 1097 $20.00
3 Keith Glasgow 253 eliminated 290 eliminated 543 208 eliminated 751 elim
4 Tyler Deloreto 277 eliminated 242 eliminated 519 519 elim
5 Brandon Parker 256 eliminated 255 eliminated 511 511 elim
6 Kenneth Puett II 218 eliminated 276 eliminated 494 494 elim
7 Robert Thompson 201 eliminated 278 eliminated 479 246 eliminated 243 eliminated 968
8 Richard Ruby 189 eliminated 209 eliminated 398 398 elim