2024 JWHF_24/25
Standings for JWHF_24/25

Eliminator Side Pot
Sorted by: subtotal game 2
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Johnny Carroll 204 (171) 254 (221) 458 213 (180) 572 671 $45.00
2 Ricky Whitton 206 (188) 241 (223) 447 205 (187) 598 652 $25.00
3 Kenneth Davis 199 (188) 211 (200) 410 249 (238) 626 659 $20.00
4 Gerald Sanders 197 (197) 209 (209) 406 406 406 elim
5 Colten Lang 221 (201) 184 (164) 405 365 405 elim
6 Chris Chapman 188 (179) 179 188 elim
7 Jessie Coker 174 (147) 147 174 elim
8 Tommy Meinhart 170 (163) 163 170 elim
9 Pat Phelps 155 (146) 146 155 elim