2025 NO TAP Eliminator - MARCH
Standings for NO TAP Eliminator - MARCH

H-Eliminator (1-3)
Sorted by: subtotal game 2
H-Eliminator (1-3) 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Caleb White 282 (242) 327 (287) 609 283 (243) 772 892 $50.00
2 Logan Hummell 280 (237) 300 (257) 580 239 (196) 690 819 $20.00
3 William White 317 (290) 259 (232) 576 522 576 $10.00 elim
4 Brandon Parker 288 (278) 265 (255) 553 273 (263) 796 826
5 Richard Bates 278 (236) 220 (178) 498 414 498 elim
6 Robert Thompson 272 (259) 259 272 elim
7 Ja'Terio Jones 261 (218) 218 261 elim
8 Jeremiah Bates 240 (184) 184 240 elim
9 Dartanya HausBurg 239 (198) 198 239 elim