2025 CATL 1-12-2025 Professor Bowl Week 12
Standings for CATL 1-12-2025 Professor Bowl Week 12

$5 Elim 4-6
Sorted by: game 4
$5 Elim 4-6 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 MIKE PAYNE 288 (279) 202 (193) 472 490 $35.00 elim
2 JOSH IMHOFF 245 (245) 243 (243) 231 (231) 719 719 $20.00
3 CLIFF EDWARDS 242 (235) 211 (204) 242 (235) 674 695 $10.00
4 THELTON COBB 238 (203) 226 (191) 212 (177) 571 676
5 RON GOZA 234 (206) 241 (213) 246 (218) 637 721
6 BRUCE THOMAS 225 (181) 203 (159) 340 428 elim
7 KEENAN CAMP 221 (191) 202 (172) 363 423 elim
8 TIM HOLLINS JR 215 (202) 202 215 elim
9 VICTOR THOMAS 211 (183) 183 211 elim
10 KYLE LOVELL 210 (171) 171 210 elim
11 KELVIN ROBERSON 202 (157) 157 202 elim
12 JOHN ANDERSON 200 (179) 179 200 elim
13 ALEX THOMAS SR 190 (165) 165 190 elim
14 CHASE VALENZUELA 185 (180) 180 185 elim