2025 LG Monthly Doubles - Jan 2025
Standings for LG Monthly Doubles - Jan 2025

Handicap Elim
Sorted by: game 2
Handicap Elim 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap
1 Dick Kanatzar 218 (199) 308 (289) 210 (191) 233 (214) 223 (204) 1097 1192
2 Lenny Solt 214 (214) 278 (278) 199 (199) 691 691 elim
3 Caleb Nation 194 (150) 267 (223) 248 (204) 228 (184) 761 937 elim
4 Nate Garcia 244 (244) 257 (257) 247 (247) 205 (205) 953 953 elim
5 Dylan VanNess 223 (180) 256 (213) 193 (150) 543 672 elim
6 Austin Vogt 196 (196) 238 (238) 279 (279) 278 (278) 194 (194) 1185 1185
7 Carmine Ferrraro 255 (255) 236 (236) 186 (186) 677 677 elim
8 Patrick McCarthy 263 (263) 233 (233) 258 (258) 256 (256) 173 (173) 1183 1183
9 Andrew Bergens 229 (205) 232 (208) 213 (189) 324 (300) 272 (248) 1150 1270
10 Khaleel Thomas 283 (279) 220 (216) 282 (278) 202 (198) 971 987 elim
11 Justin Paxton 246 (246) 214 (214) 200 (200) 226 (226) 886 886 elim
12 Justin McLane 247 (247) 213 (213) 170 (170) 630 630 elim
13 Rich Lancaster 212 (212) 211 (211) 423 423 elim
14 Adam Heidemann 272 (259) 203 (190) 449 475 elim
15 Allen Vanness 267 (214) 184 (131) 345 451 elim
16 Jeff Canger 238 (228) 181 (171) 399 419 elim
17t Jeff Roberson 191 (182) 182 191 elim
17t Austin Patterson 189 (189) 189 189 elim
17t Kenny Riggs 169 (169) 169 169 elim
17t Austin Andrews 167 (167) 167 167 elim