2025 Monday night eliminator
Standings for Monday night eliminator

Monday night
Sorted by: subtotal game 1
Monday night 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap
1 Jeff Buie 279 (279) 279 236 (236) 236 (236) 751 751
2 Kevin Van Gelder 271 (257) 271 192 (178) 435 463
3 Jason Smith 264 (232) 264 225 (193) 425 489
4 Clent Taylor 239 (214) 239 251 (226) 203 (178) 618 693
5 Derek Dillon 207 (194) 207 227 (214) 259 (246) 654 693
6t James Fielder 191 (191) 191 191 191 elim
6t Jimmy Overbey 191 (165) 191 165 191 elim
6t Kevin Watkins 191 (169) 191 169 191 elim