2025 Monday night eliminator
Standings for Monday night eliminator

Monday night
Sorted by: scratch total
Monday night 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap
1 Jeff Buie 279 (279) 236 (236) 236 (236) 751 751
2 Derek Dillon 207 (194) 227 (214) 259 (246) 654 693
3 Clent Taylor 239 (214) 251 (226) 203 (178) 618 693
4 Kevin Van Gelder 271 (257) 192 (178) 435 463
5 Jason Smith 264 (232) 225 (193) 425 489
6 James Fielder 191 (191) 191 191 elim
7 Kevin Watkins 191 (169) 169 191 elim
8 Jimmy Overbey 191 (165) 165 191 elim