2025 URBL Sunday Sweeper #7
Standings for URBL Sunday Sweeper #7

Eliminator Side Pot
Sorted by: game 3
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 ROBBIE HEINRICH 200 (200) 231 (231) 245 (245) 246 (246) 922 922 $90.00
2 RAY CYR 241 (241) 228 (228) 236 (236) 248 (248) 953 953 $50.00
3 JOSH GYDESEN 241 (241) 213 (213) 216 (216) 670 670 elim
4 MOE DOBRANSKY 245 (195) 221 (171) 188 (138) 504 654 elim
5t SHANE HECKER 197 (197) 204 (204) 401 401 elim
5t STEVE AREHART 197 (197) 197 (197) 394 394 elim
5t BRANDON ZALESKI 267 (267) 194 (194) 461 461 elim
5t JOHN PAUL SCHOLEFIELD 198 (198) 192 (192) 390 390 elim
9t MICHAEL OBERNESSER 193 (193) 193 193 elim
9t XANDER PARDEE 187 (187) 187 187 elim
9t KYLE WILCOX 175 (175) 175 175 elim
9t JOSH TALBOT 171 (171) 171 171 elim
9t NICK BROWER 136 (108) 108 136 elim
9t MERLE FOSTER 135 (135) 135 135 elim