2025 Central Texas USBC Mens/Womens Tournament
Standings for Central Texas USBC Mens/Womens Tournament

Handicap Eliminator
Sorted by: scratch total
Handicap Eliminator 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Jean Maxson 257 (233) 269 (245) 259 (235) 713 785 $65.00
2 Jennifer Morgan 240 (225) 251 (236) 201 (186) 647 692 $25.00
3 Larry Macie 230 (197) 234 (201) 223 (190) 588 687 $10.00
4 Melanie Parker 255 (217) 227 (189) 208 (170) 576 690
5 Regis Payne 230 (206) 225 (201) 180 (156) 563 635
6 Eric Rojas 231 (179) 255 (203) 199 (147) 529 685
7 Glen Dewald 237 (171) 261 (195) 225 (159) 525 723
8 Robert Davie Jr 270 (269) 215 (214) 483 485 elim
9 Kevin Fitzgerald 278 (255) 212 (189) 444 490 elim
10 Laronn Martin 258 (227) 208 (177) 404 466 elim
11 Ed Hellon 231 (216) 167 (152) 368 398 elim
12 Dubby Jourden 234 (209) 178 (153) 362 412 elim
13 Susan Reynolds 268 (168) 222 (122) 290 490 elim
14 Jeff Vanecek 223 (205) 205 223 elim
15 Stephanie Hamric 226 (200) 200 226 elim
16 Erica McPhail 210 (195) 195 210 elim
17 Anthony Powell 218 (186) 186 218 elim
18 Terrance Franklin 198 (182) 182 198 elim
19 Roderick Miller 216 (161) 161 216 elim
20 Rocky Sparks 173 (160) 160 173 elim
21 Geroald (G.P) Parker 179 (159) 159 179 elim
22 Robert Davie 186 (150) 150 186 elim
23 Melissa Arciniega 214 (138) 138 214 elim
24 John Shotwell 181 (136) 136 181 elim
25 Thomas Keller 150 (131) 131 150 elim
** A note from your tournament director:
Unofficial results. These will be official 2/10/2025. Payouts/sorting when clicking TOTAL are results. Scratch was not an event except for AE.