2025 Montgomery County (MEN)
Standings for Montgomery County (MEN)

Eliminator Side Pot
Sorted by: game 3
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Clayton Worley 225 (199) 262 (236) 259 (233) 668 746 $120.00
2 Dennis Greenhaw 213 (179) 217 (183) 236 (202) 564 666 $90.00
3 Anthony Sheranko 213 (213) 236 (236) 212 (212) 661 661 $70.00
4 Gerald Sanders 232 (232) 298 (298) 191 (191) 721 721 $40.00
5t Ricky Whitton 254 (243) 209 (198) 441 463 elim
5t Jerry Scarborough 220 (210) 193 (183) 393 413 elim
5t Richie Ingle 213 (203) 191 (181) 384 404 elim
5t Kenneth Davis 215 (201) 185 (171) 372 400 elim
9t Ovid White 211 (172) 172 211 elim
9t Mike Marner 204 (177) 177 204 elim
9t Brent Oestreich 200 (194) 194 200 elim
9t Ray Walters 189 (150) 150 189 elim
9t Chris Tschumperlin 186 (160) 160 186 elim
9t Bo Lee 176 (141) 141 176 elim
9t Ron Speice 176 (158) 158 176 elim
9t Colten Lang 175 (155) 155 175 elim
9t Andrew Thacker 164 (131) 131 164 elim