2025 Villages Handicap Shootout - Feb 8th
Standings for Villages Handicap Shootout - Feb 8th

Eliminator Side Pot
Sorted by: subtotal game 3
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Karenmarie Bryant 241 (218) 279 (256) 258 (235) 778 709 778 $50.00
2 Marcelo Reyes 265 (226) 249 (210) 245 (206) 759 642 759 $30.00
3 Steven Manier 259 (259) 248 (248) 216 (216) 723 723 723 $20.00
4 Rick Jr Ribble 280 (244) 257 (221) 183 (147) 720 612 720 $15.00 elim
5 Scott Dennis 234 (227) 248 (241) 205 (198) 687 666 687 $10.00
6 Jim Rossi 223 (160) 252 (189) 188 (125) 663 474 663
7 John Pfleshinger 253 (223) 245 (215) 438 498 elim
8t Scott Chester 269 (246) 226 (203) 449 495 elim
8t William White 276 (232) 219 (175) 407 495 elim
10 Tiree Pollard 232 (213) 244 (225) 438 476 elim
11 Chris Warden 225 (200) 241 (216) 416 466 elim
12 Fred Taylor 217 (183) 217 (183) 366 434 elim
13 Mark Scime 209 (187) 187 209 elim
14t Jim Trentadue 207 (198) 198 207 elim
14t Phil Acton 207 (169) 169 207 elim
16 Joseph Sparrow 206 (165) 165 206 elim
17t Carlos Meza 204 (181) 181 204 elim
17t Knight Joshua 204 (177) 177 204 elim
19 Claude Allen 202 (137) 137 202 elim
20 Buck Worthen 200 (167) 167 200 elim
21t Amy Ribble 198 (126) 126 198 elim
21t Jesus Tresgallos 198 (171) 171 198 elim
23 Shane Manier 196 (171) 171 196 elim
24 Chad Conklin 187 (138) 138 187 elim
25 Rick Capaldi 174 (159) 159 174 elim