2025 PJBT Event #20 ADULT JUNIOR #5
Standings for PJBT Event #20 ADULT JUNIOR #5

Youth Scr Eliminator
Sorted by: subtotal game 1
Youth Scr Eliminator 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Prize
1 Addison Quattrini 255 eliminated 255 204 eliminated 459 $25.00 elim
2 Blake Jeitles 224 eliminated 224 258 eliminated 246 eliminated 728 $10.00
3 Wyatt Fiato 221 eliminated 221 224 eliminated 445 elim
4 Rayana Gonzalez 213 eliminated 213 227 eliminated 173 eliminated 613
5 Blayze Denny 195 eliminated 195 195 elim
6 Bobby Moore 190 eliminated 190 190 elim
7 Keerah Stahora 150 eliminated 150 150 elim