2024 2024-2025 Monday Big Money
Standings for 2024-2025 Monday Big Money

Eliminator Side Pot
Sorted by: scratch total
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Kenneth Blevins 247 (234) 246 (233) 258 (245) 712 751 $30.00
2 Chad McCoy 221 (204) 227 (210) 244 (227) 641 692 $10.50
3 Garrett Gaster 206 (197) 257 (248) 188 (179) 624 651
4 Chris Driehurst 241 (232) 214 (205) 437 455 elim
5 John Kennedy 231 (223) 205 (197) 420 436 elim
6 Dale Patterson 212 (160) 210 (158) 318 422 elim
7 Shane Brown 190 (190) 190 190 elim
8t Joshua Pickett 186 (168) 168 186 elim
8t Labrent Bowie 186 (168) 168 186 elim