2024 March - Maple Lanes Shootout
Standings for March - Maple Lanes Shootout

HDCP Eliminator
Sorted by: game 2
HDCP Eliminator 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Sean Riccardi 246 (246) 300 (300) 216 (216) 762 762 $100.00
2 Alexander Piekarz 244 (244) 267 (267) 167 (167) 678 678 $55.00
3 Jeremy Cruz 258 (258) 258 (258) 174 (174) 690 690 $40.00
4 Katie Newman 242 (168) 257 (183) 210 (136) 487 709 $30.00
5t Eric Adcox 252 (234) 242 (224) 223 (205) 663 717 $22.50
5t Christopher Leon 248 (227) 242 (221) 218 (197) 645 708 $22.50
7 Patrick Kearney 238 (210) 240 (212) 207 (179) 601 685 $15.00
8 Chris Fanni 237 (211) 239 (213) 188 (162) 586 664 $10.00
9 Brynton Mathers 253 (226) 233 (206) 432 486 elim
10 Khaleel Thomas 269 (269) 225 (225) 494 494 elim
11 Jarod Jones 248 (246) 216 (214) 460 464 elim
12 Calvin Godwin 237 (202) 215 (180) 382 452 elim
13 Jason Hurd 279 (279) 206 (206) 485 485 elim
14 Lamont Williams 252 (231) 205 (184) 415 457 elim
15t Corey Green 259 (233) 201 (175) 408 460 elim
15t Lionel Johnson 253 (225) 201 (173) 398 454 elim
17t James Thomas 235 (226) 226 235 elim
17t Brian Valenta 233 (233) 233 233 elim
17t Joseph Newman 225 (189) 189 225 elim
17t Tony Brooks 225 (225) 225 225 elim
17t Kyle Greene 224 (207) 207 224 elim
17t Chris Waligora 222 (218) 218 222 elim
17t Dick Kanatzar 220 (206) 206 220 elim
17t Alison Wynn 218 (179) 179 218 elim
17t Kevin Greene 218 (182) 182 218 elim
17t Andrew Sullivan 216 (191) 191 216 elim
17t Gerald Timlin 215 (184) 184 215 elim
17t Don Gould 212 (171) 171 212 elim
17t Bryan Kimmel 206 (206) 206 206 elim
17t Anthony Pullara 192 (173) 173 192 elim
17t Richard Quick Jr 181 (181) 181 181 elim
17t Austin Patterson 181 (181) 181 181 elim
17t Shantel Simmons 177 (163) 163 177 elim