2024 2024-2025 Roving No-Tap Tournament
Standings for 2024-2025 Roving No-Tap Tournament

Handicap Eliminator
Sorted by: subtotal game 2
Handicap Eliminator 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Matt Levier 261 (204) 335 (278) 596 285 (228) 710 881 $50.00
2 Justin Schirtzinger 278 (278) 300 (300) 578 246 (246) 824 824 $25.00
3 Newt McClellan 266 (266) 300 (300) 566 262 (262) 828 828 $15.00
4 Dan Higgins 265 (265) 300 (300) 565 290 (290) 855 855
5 Bill Schroeck 279 (268) 249 (238) 528 188 (177) 683 716
6 Mike Carr 265 (242) 218 (195) 483 437 483 elim
7 Pat McKinley 244 (232) 210 (198) 454 430 454 elim
8 Scott Wazny 230 (203) 203 230 elim
9 Evan Khamphosihom 220 (187) 187 220 elim
10 Dustin Barclay 199 (183) 183 199 elim