2024 2024-2025 Roving No-Tap Tournament
Standings for 2024-2025 Roving No-Tap Tournament

Handicap Eliminator
Sorted by: game 3
Handicap Eliminator 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Dan Higgins 265 (265) 300 (300) 290 (290) 855 855 $50.00
2 Matt Levier 261 (204) 335 (278) 285 (228) 710 881 $25.00
3 Newt McClellan 266 (266) 300 (300) 262 (262) 828 828 $15.00
4 Justin Schirtzinger 278 (278) 300 (300) 246 (246) 824 824
5 Bill Schroeck 279 (268) 249 (238) 188 (177) 683 716
6t Mike Carr 265 (242) 218 (195) 437 483 elim
6t Pat McKinley 244 (232) 210 (198) 430 454 elim
8t Scott Wazny 230 (203) 203 230 elim
8t Evan Khamphosihom 220 (187) 187 220 elim
8t Dustin Barclay 199 (183) 183 199 elim