2024-2025 Merchant League
Standings for Merchant League

PB Eliminator Side Pot
Sorted by: game 1
PB Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Grady Russell 4 269 (269) 202 (202) 161 (161) 632 632
2 Alshon Scott 268 (248) 199 (179) 427 467 elim
3 Calvin Green 261 (248) 212 (199) 201 (188) 635 674
4 Alfonso Hudson 254 (248) 254 (248) 195 (189) 685 703
5 Thomas Ross 240 (229) 223 (212) 171 (160) 601 634
6 Ronald Goza Jr. 231 (212) 199 (180) 392 430 elim
7 Justin Moring 229 (197) 192 (160) 357 421 elim
8 Alex Scholes 213 (213) 187 (187) 400 400 elim
9 James S. Dean Jr. 212 (191) 224 (203) 243 (222) 616 679
10 Kenneth Phillips 211 (158) 202 (149) 307 413 elim
11 Alvin O'Guinn 210 (184) 184 210 elim
12 Bobby Barnes 209 (194) 194 209 elim
13 Donta Marshall 206 (204) 204 206 elim
14 Jessie Scholes 205 (182) 182 205 elim
15 Keenan Camp 204 (192) 192 204 elim
16t Lawrence Willis 4 200 (200) 200 200 elim
16t Clifton Edwards 200 (200) 200 200 elim
18 Steven Turner 199 (183) 183 199 elim
19 Kevon Smith 197 (182) 182 197 elim
20 James E. Dean Sr. 189 (171) 171 189 elim