2024 2024-2025 Monday Big Money
Standings for 2024-2025 Monday Big Money

Eliminator Side Pot
Sorted by: subtotal game 2
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Quincy Mitchell 286 (268) 241 (223) 527 190 (172) 663 717 $35.00
2 Chris Driehurst 221 (212) 277 (268) 498 199 (190) 670 697 $20.00
3 Garrett Gaster 221 (212) 266 (257) 487 187 (178) 647 674 $8.00
4 Jason Price 249 (244) 218 (213) 467 457 467 elim
5 Marshall Morrison 225 (225) 239 (239) 464 278 (278) 742 742
6 Labrent Bowie 283 (265) 181 (163) 464 428 464 elim
7 Shane Brown 218 (218) 226 (226) 444 248 (248) 692 692
8 John Kennedy 208 (200) 222 (214) 430 414 430 elim
9 Andy Patterson 206 (206) 209 (209) 415 415 415 elim
10 Joshua Pickett 209 (191) 168 (150) 377 341 377 elim
11t Chris Hood 203 (203) 203 203 elim
11t Ryan Reed 203 (178) 178 203 elim
13 Calvin Wilkes 198 (154) 154 198 elim
14 Billie Morse 188 (126) 126 188 elim