2024 Chicken on the Way - 2024 All Stars
Standings for Chicken on the Way - 2024 All Stars

Eliminator Side Pot
Sorted by: subtotal game 3
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Ruben Garcia 220 (199) 290 (269) 234 (213) 744 202 (181) 862 946 $25.00
2 Angela Schultz 242 (212) 244 (214) 237 (207) 723 212 (182) 815 935 $20.00
3 Shauna Kirouac 228 (174) 257 (203) 233 (179) 718 229 (175) 731 947 $20.00
4 Santos Cuadra 207 (189) 239 (221) 234 (216) 680 210 (192) 818 890 $15.00
5 Colin Shott 267 (266) 221 (220) 184 (183) 672 669 672 $15.00 elim
6 Ted Lam 199 (190) 234 (225) 217 (208) 650 212 (203) 826 862 $10.00
7 Lauraine Fast 195 (172) 237 (214) 205 (182) 637 193 (170) 738 830
8 Arantxa Garcia 227 (199) 203 (175) 192 (164) 622 538 622 elim
9 Faby Karam 211 (165) 207 (161) 182 (136) 600 462 600 elim
10 Tim Williams 203 (189) 206 (192) 189 (175) 598 556 598 elim
11 Jenn Hawkins 202 (152) 211 (161) 184 (134) 597 447 597 elim
12 Stephen Wong 246 (214) 189 (157) 371 435 elim
13 Ciana Tran 234 (194) 199 (159) 353 433 elim
14 Liz Wong 227 (197) 191 (161) 358 418 elim
15 Collen Scott 194 (140) 195 (141) 281 389 elim
16 Chad Hauser 201 (192) 151 (142) 334 352 elim
17 Debbie Greve 194 (149) 149 194 elim
18 Kellie Watson 192 (178) 178 192 elim
19 Danny Cheung 185 (144) 144 185 elim
20 Rick Reeves 168 (153) 153 168 elim
21 Augusta Bockman 153 (135) 135 153 elim