2021 Strike Easy Summer Sweeper #4
Standings for Strike Easy Summer Sweeper #4

Eliminator Side Pot (final)
Sorted by: game 2,subtotal game 1,subtotal game 2,game 3,subtotal game 3
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Prize
1 Terry Truex 202 eliminated 202 278 eliminated 480 157 eliminated 637 637 $75.00
2 Omari Styles 237 eliminated 237 237 eliminated 474 223 eliminated 697 697 $25.00
3 Dion Gatling 259 eliminated 259 232 eliminated 491 177 eliminated 668 668
4 Robert Johnson 223 eliminated 223 223 eliminated 446 446 elim
5 Lamar Dicks 204 eliminated 204 184 eliminated 388 388 elim
6 Tyrone Brewington 205 eliminated 205 142 eliminated 347 347 elim
7t William Harrell 183 eliminated 183 183 elim
7t Drew Lambert 180 eliminated 180 180 elim
7t Glenn Outlaw 147 eliminated 147 147 elim
7t Markueon Caudle 131 eliminated 131 131 elim