2022 5/21 Handicap Eliminator
Standings for 5/21 Handicap Eliminator

Survivor (unofficial)
Sorted by: game 3,game team_scratch_total
Survivor 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Erin Beck 229 (199) 212 (182) 216 (186) 567 657 $50.00
2 Larry Tripamer 184 (184) 241 (241) 213 (213) 638 638 $30.00
3 Becky Gresko 219 (214) 228 (223) 201 (196) 633 648 $15.00
4 Chris Colclasure 226 (226) 224 (224) 190 (190) 640 640 elim
5 Stelios Kouvelas 252 (246) 261 (255) 177 (171) 672 690 elim
6t Zack Carter 223 (223) 202 (202) 425 425 elim
6t Joseph Pennino 257 (229) 193 (165) 394 450 elim
6t Craig Gresko 221 (221) 159 (159) 380 380 elim
6t Ken McKeel 182 (173) 190 (181) 354 372 elim
6t Casey Suchor 205 (171) 206 (172) 343 411 elim
11t Don Anderson 181 (181) 181 181 elim
11t Jasmine McKeel 178 (167) 167 178 elim
11t Alex Kouvelas 176 (166) 166 176 elim
11t Lori Colclasure 169 (162) 162 169 elim
11t Ethan Kailin 159 (159) 159 159 elim
11t David Cole II 146 (146) 146 146 elim
11t Kimiko McKeel 178 (142) 142 178 elim
11t David Cohns III 146 (140) 140 146 elim
11t Andrea Czlapinski 160 (138) 138 160 elim