2022 8 Game Marathon Wolf
Standings for 8 Game Marathon Wolf

Eliminator Side Pot (unofficial)
Sorted by: game 3,subtotal game 2
Eliminator Side Pot 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Quentin Alexander 261 (220) 261 217 (176) 176 (135) 531 654 $130.00 elim
2 RIP ORTEGA 206 (179) 206 214 (187) 229 (202) 216 (189) 185 (158) 915 1050 $90.00
3 Mike Jacobson 224 (190) 224 213 (179) 249 (215) 239 (205) 235 (201) 990 1160 $60.00
4 Franklin Torres 201 (140) 201 211 (150) 180 (119) 409 592 $40.00 elim
5 Ace Chavis, Jr 185 (149) 185 197 (161) 173 (137) 447 555 elim
6 Guillermo Garcia 183 (145) 183 192 (154) 233 (195) 200 (162) 656 808 elim
7 Andy Guarigli 185 (148) 185 191 (154) 211 (174) 193 (156) 632 780 elim
8 Arturo Pedraza 210 (154) 210 187 (131) 213 (157) 202 (146) 227 (171) 759 1039
9 Reggie Pierson 225 (225) 225 181 (181) 181 (181) 195 (195) 782 782 elim
10 Ricardo Abreu 222 (148) 222 177 (103) 196 (122) 209 (135) 206 (132) 640 1010
11 Mary Ellen DeStasio 214 (163) 214 163 (112) 275 377 elim
12 Larry Brande 210 (207) 210 162 (159) 366 372 elim
13 Charles Morgan 181 (157) 181 148 (124) 281 329 elim
14t Andy Alleyne 177 (122) 177 122 177 elim
14t Tony LeVance 174 (124) 174 124 174 elim
14t Roger Keel 161 (119) 161 119 161 elim